HGG-77 - is a component of the composition, designed to create a gel based on hydrocarbons (diesel fuel, xylene, kerosene, oil). This substance is a much greater extent tolerant of slight concentration fluctuations than many other gelling agents for liquids based on hydrocarbons. The substance is prepared on the basis of the phosphate ester in low-flammable solvent. This material should be used together with HGA-10 activator.
HGA-10 - is a component of the composition, designed to create a gel based on hydrocarbons (diesel fuel, xylene, kerosene, oil). This material should be used as HGG-77 gelling agent activator (see. Information about HGG- 77).
OGB-10 - product is free flowing white powder, which effectively lowers the viscosity of the oil-based gels at concentrations from 1.5 to 10 kg/m3.
Breaker concentration depends on such factors as:
- the temperature at the bottomhole, at which treatment is performed;
- the total pumping time during treatment;
- the time required to close the fracture;
- the time required for closing of the well upon fracturing completion.
Chemicals for oil based gels